Identity Theft
What is identity theft?
Identity theft is when thieves steal your personal information in order to take over or open new accounts, file fake tax returns, rent or buy properties, or do other criminal things in your name.
Identity theft is when thieves steal your personal information in order to take over or open new accounts, file fake tax returns, rent or buy properties, or do other criminal things in your name.
Recently separated
New parents
New homeowner
Kids’ clean credit histories make it easy for criminals to make new charges, open accounts and more.
Parents are proud of their kid’s accomplishments. But, sharing too many details about your children can cause more harm than good.
How identity theft can happen
How your info can be used
Detect & Alert
We can detect a wide range of threats and will alert you if we find potentially suspicious activities.†
A dedicated U.S-based Identity Restoration Specialist will work to resolve your identity theft problem.
Stolen funds reimbursement
We’ll reimburse up to $25,000 to $1 million to replace stolen funds depending on your level of your plan.‡
Alert screen modified for demonstration purposes.
Call Us 1‑800‑416‑0599
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